
-Hi I'm Reyna!-
This is Raspberry Reyna, where I write about anything that might be interesting to me at the moment... Something I really love doing is journaling. I love bullet journaling, daily journaling, dream journaling, gratitude journaling, and so much more! I also love photography and design, so I would love to share some photos and fashion! I can't wait to learn more about you guys and learn more about myself. 
Here are some random facts about me!
Favorite color: lavender and lilac
Favorite animal: giraffe
Favorite musician: Taylor Swift, Lin Manuel Miranda
Favorite Shoe: Converse
Favorite food: Uh... can't pick. I just like food okay?
Favorite sport: Track and XC... mainly cause those are the only sports I do. But I did do threee
-"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."-
Albert Einstein
